Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Another List Full Of Pictures; Fifty Folks This Time

Because it's what I do when I can't think of anything else to do, and because my "One Hundred Lovely Famous People" list probably gets more views than anything else I've posted (fuck those entries where I actually had something interesting to say; I know there aren't a lot of them but I'm much prouder of them than my lists of celebrity crushes), here's basically a retread of that, but shorter and with a few different people.
And listed alphabetically by last name because I never feel right ranking people.
And I put the restriction on myself that nobody I know personally can be on the list. It didn't change a whole lot, but it did eliminate a few people.
Anyway, yeah, I threw the list together while eating lunch and now I'm passing the savings on to you.
(Also, I'm pissed 'cause I ate lunch at a place where I particularly loved their seared ahi tuna salad. But they've changed their menu and, while technically the salad is still there, it's a different salad. It has different dressing, it has peas and bell peppers in it now and it kind of sucks. Guess I'll have to find a new favorite seared ahi tuna salad.)
By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I didn't take any of the pictures I post on this blog (except for rare exceptions) and don't own the rights to any of them, either (again, there are rare exceptions). I find them almost entirely on Google image search and have no idea where they're from orginally. I don't take credit for them, I'm not making money off of them, I just really like them.
(I'd also like to point out that the Rob Paulsen picture I used in this post is one that I do own the rights to; it's a picture of him with me taken after one of his live podcast recordings.)

Richard Ayoade
Drew Barrymore
Karen Black
Helena Bonham Carter
Jeff Bridges
Sarah Brightman
Cyd Charisse
Jennifer Charles
Kurt Cobain
Jamie Lee Curtis
Charlie Day
Vincent D'Onofrio
Robert Downey Jr.
Trevor Dunn
Robert Englund
John Flansburgh
Jodie Foster
Lady Gaga
Johnny Galecki
Katie Jane Garside
Sara Gilbert
Robin Goldwasser
Naomie Harris
Bill Hicks
Eugene Hutz
Christian Jacobs
Glynis Johns
Carolyn Jones
Madeline Kahn
Heather Langenkamp
Angela Lansbury
John Linnell
Scott Lucas
Patrick McGoohan
Eugene Mirman
Sheri Moon-Zombie
Bill Moseley
Gary Oldman
Mike Patton
Rob Paulsen
Pamela Racine
Stan Ridgway
Tim Roth
Sergey Ryabtsev
Siouxsie Sioux
Cia Soro
Brian St. Clair
Elizabeth Sun
Lili Taylor
Dita Von Teese

Be seeing you.

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