Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Blast From My Past

There was, like, three months in high school where I was obsessed with Nina Hagen. And by "obsessed" I mean I owned one greatest hits album and listened to it until I was sick of it.
But one song I never got sick of was Smack Jack.
Time makes songs fade from memory and for years I didn't think about Nina Hagen much and, in fact, I forgot Smack Jack was a song. Until about an hour ago when I accidentally stumbled across the official video on Youtube:

I've watched it three times. And I am willing to admit I'm really attracted to her in this video. I'm not sure why, since most of the Ninas in the video are drowning in makeup. But I can't stop staring at her. She's gorgeous. And the song rocks.
Maybe I'm just compulsively attracted to people with mustaches drawn on their faces.
Aww, yeah. What a freakin' dreamboat. *sigh*
Be seeing you.