Friday, November 12, 2010

What Cigarette Do You Smoke, Doctor?

I love this commercial 'cause, even if they were still allowed to show cigarette ads on television, they couldn't get away with this now.
I'm certain there are still doctors who smoke. They're human beings; we all have bad habits.
What I hate is the Youtube comments on old cigarette ads. Everybody's all uppity and high and mighty and "Oh, they all died of cancer and pulmonary disease." You know what? Snotty comments like that make me want to take up smoking just to piss you off.
Although they don't make my brand anymore...

Oh hell yes! I want that fabulous life! I want to dance and sing cigarette commercial jingles with my rich, 1950s friends! I want to feel the breath of fresh air that comes from the recessed filter! I want to understand what the hell "breath of fresh air that comes from the recessed filter" means!
Oh, cigarette commercials. You make everything seem so fabulous.
(Now let's watch my comment section get filled with snotty "smoking kills you" talk. Which I will ignore. 'Cause I know smoking's bad for you. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy cigarette ads.)

Be seeing you.

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