Tuesday, August 14, 2012


On Saturday my mom and I went to the Treasures From The Disney Vault exhibit at the Reagan Library. The docents seemed pretty offended that we wanted to go straight to the Disney exhibit and skip all the Reagan crap, but I don't like the Reagan crap and I doubt my mom would either. Also, Disney! Come on, man!
The exhibit was awesome, to say the least. I'm looking forward to going back; there's all kinds of stuff I'd like to take pictures of. Tron costumes, for instance. (Real Tron, not that Tron 2 bullshit.) And all the Pirates Of The Caribbean stuff (most of which my mom already took pictures of).
My mom did take one picture for / of me on her phone:

Oh man.
Okay, so, I'm pretty sure I went on the Haunted Mansion once or twice when I was little; I vaguely remember thinking the Hitchhiking Ghosts were cool. But at some point in my childhood, cowardice won out and I avoided the Haunted Mansion at all costs, on account of it being scary and full of ghosts.
However, when I was about thirteen I went to Disneyland with friends, to whom I tried to seem brave and, therefore, went on Haunted Mansion with them. And I loved it. Because it was scary and full of ghosts and I've been a horror fan to my core since the very beginning, even when I was too afraid to realize it because scary things are scary.
Anyway, there was one part of the ride that creeped me out more than any other and, of course, I became simultaneously obsessed with and terrified of it.
That freaking ghost bride.
I don't know what it is about her that gives me the heebie jeebies so. I don't know why those heebie jeebies translate to obsession. All I know is she was my favorite thing in the ride, back when the attic was creepy and not stupid. (I'm scared of the new attic bride in the Haunted Mansion, but mostly because the projection makes her look fucking wrong, like warped animation or something. And I hate the stupid black widow bride bullshit story they gave her. That's not scary, that's cliche.)
Anyway, the point is, this is possibly the best picture ever taken. Because it didn't matter that she was in a glass cage, I was still afraid to get too close to her. Because she's going to get me. I'm not kidding, I sincerely feel that way. I hid behind my mom when I noticed they had her in the exhibit and there was no way I wasn't going to get a picture with her because she's my favorite thing there.
It feels weird to be obsessed with the things that scare you. I like to believe I'm not the only person to whom that happens.
Anyway, that afternoon I drove up to Sunnyvale to visit Ivan and Amanda.
The power was out when I got there because Amanda had accidentally turned it off. We ate at Red Robin, Ivan told me about the stupid new Batman reboot DC is doing (all the villains have new, stupid backstories and the first story arc in the comics fell apart when they killed off the really interesting-sounding secret society in favor of having the villain be Bruce Wayne's secret, evil brother who nobody has ever heard of before). Ivan played Portal 2 for me (It. Was. Awesome.), Amanda and I went to a used book store, we watched a couple episodes of Father Ted. A grand time was had by all.
I was going to head up to San Francisco for a day or two and hang out with my friend Jenny, but my budget wouldn't allow it and I started heading home yesterday. But I got sick of driving and suddenly remembered "Hey, I'm an adult and can do whatever I want!" and stopped in Pismo Beach for the night.
I ate at a restaurant called Brad's because it has the same name as my brother, got an ice cream cone and walked back to my little, cheapy motel room where I took a shower, watched television, had a long phone conversation with Jenny and got a little bit of writing done.
That was my favorite part because I felt so classic: unemployed, on a road trip, in a divey motel room, writing with a notebook and pen (rather than a laptop). I felt like I should have been drinking scotch and smoking, wearing a wifebeater and a fedora.
I drove the rest of the way home today and am now too tired and lazy to unpack. My brother and cousin are playing music in the other room and the less I say about what I can hear, the better. "If you can't say something nice..." and all that. (Admittedly, I can't hear them very well. Maybe it'd sound better if I could. As it stands now, though, I mostly just wish they'd stop.)
Apparently I'm a crankybritches today.
I blame the heat.

Be seeing you.

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