Friday, August 10, 2012

Favorite Things To Find On The Ground

This list took me a long time for the opposite of why some other lists take me a long time: I couldn't think of many things to put on it. Oh well. Here are my top five favorite things to find on the ground:

5) receipts - especially really long ones; I like seeing what strangers buy.
4) cards - playing cards, Magic The Gathering cards, Pokemon cards, Tarot cards, whatever. They're fun.
3) money - paper money is more fun to find than change, but both are good.
2) letters - this rarely happens but a few times I've found personal notes and those are the freaking jackpot of groundfinds. The only thing that tops them are
1) shopping lists - sort of the same mentality of what receipts are fun, but shopping lists are more personal and fascinating.

Be seeing you.

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