Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More On Feminism (Moron Feminism?)

Do you ever make a point and then part of your brain starts playing devil's advocate and then you start getting into a silent argument with yourself? (I really hope that's a thing everyone does.)
Part of my brain is trying to make me feel disgraced that I picked apart and ridiculed a popular feminist slogan.
Now, here's the thing: I love the fact that I have rights. I really do. Thrilled with it, in fact. I like that I'm allowed to make my own choices about things. I'm glad I live in an era where I'm not considered property and if a man pisses me off I can tell him to go to hell without being sentenced to death.
However, I feel as thought feminism has mutated from the Women's Sufferage of the early 1900s to weird Female Superiority nonsense that pisses me off. In fact, the idea that either gender is superior is such total bullshit that I don't understand how people can still believe it's true (of men or women).
So a lot of feminist slogans really piss me off. I'm not better than any man. I'm not worse than any man, either. Yes, I consider myself a strong woman, but that doesn't mean I need to go marching around acting superior. Yes, women carry children and give birth, but we can't make the babies by ourselves.
I'm an equalist, not a feminist. I fucking hate feminists.

Be seeing you.

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