Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dueling Fudge Filled Cookies

Which would you rather eat:
Keebler Magic Middles...

or Sunshine Chippy Chews?

I wish I had a package of each right now. For studious comparative reasons. (Sure.)
I have a stronger nostalgic reaction to the Chippy Chews commercial (the baker and the kids bouncing on the giant cookie and the Candy Man based jingle; for years I thought the commercial was first and to this day my brain still sings that song as "The Sunshine Bakerman can") but a few years ago I ran across a Magic Middles print ad in an old National Geographic and that one knocked me straight back to being seven. I think one of the girls in my Girl Scout troop might have brought them for snack.
The only reason I stayed in Girl Scouts for as long as I did was for the snack. The novelty of eating a treat from somewhere other than my own home does not wear off, apparently.

Be seeing you.

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