Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dr. Tran Doles Out The Harshness!

I went to culinary school in San Francisco. I moved there the week of Halloween. On Halloween night my roommate and I went to Spike And Mike's Sick And Twisted Festival Of Animation, most of which I didn't enjoy. You see, most forms of animation give me the fucking creeps. I was raised on a Disney diet and I have a hard time straying away from very mainstream looking animation. So I wasn't a huge fan of the festival (actually, the most traumatizing cartoon began with a baby getting shot and actually got worse from there) but there was one cartoon, and one cartoon alone, that I loved enough to go to the festival a second time with Shelby and Kristin.
Ladies and gentlemen: Here Comes Dr. Tran!

Since then about a million Dr. Tran cartoons have been made. I'm too lazy to follow them on Youtube, but I hope they put out another DVD collection someday (maybe they already did; I don't know) so I can watch them that way. I did watch the first Dr. Tran sequel before I got overwhelmed and gave up, and it still makes me laugh even harder than the original.
Ladies and gentlemen: Roybertito's!

Be seeing you.

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