Saturday, April 13, 2013

Just Some Things That Make Me Happy

Today I'm going to a Norton Records benefit show. I haven't heard of most of the people playing but I'm sure I'll have a good time. The main reason I'm going is to see Reverend Beat Man:

On Wednesday I went to see Local H and ... Okay, you know how some concerts just hit you the right way? I'm hesitant to use the phrase "religious experience" because what the hell does that even mean, but it almost seems appropriate. I've always liked Local H, I was a big fan of Bound For The Floor:

and As Good As Dead in general (High Fiving MF, Nothing Special, Eddie Vedder, Lovey Dovey... great stuff) but I never really seeked them out (sook them out?) until I happened to run across this song:

and just fell in love with it.
I reviewed the concert on my other blog but basically what it boils down to is this:
Some concerts have a certain magic or chemistry or air or whatever that just speaks to you and Local H did that for me. The fact that such a huge sound could come out of just two guys, the fact that they were so loud and rockin' and honest, the fact that the drum kit was out in front next to the singer rather than behind him (which totally makes sense in a two person group but it's still rad that they set up that way), the fact that Scott Lucas runs the merch table himself, just everything about the show turned me from a casual fan to an ardent one.
I love Local H.
Anyway, on a completely different note, my good friend Ivan understands my sense of humor really, really well and shows me some of the best online videos I've ever seen. The most recent ones were some of Ackbar's Ads, including the Trap Rap:

and, my personal favorite, Admiral Ackbar's Ackting Ackademy:

Something about fake commercials that list a bunch of things always cracks me up.
And, just for fun, here's some more Local H:

And here's Dan Aykroyd performing Rubber Biscuit at The Satellite in Los Angeles with Harper Simon. I was there. He held the door open for me and my friend. I was less than five inches from Dan Aykroyd!

Be seeing you.

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