Monday, March 7, 2011


Last month I applied to a music school to enroll in their vocal program. Last week I got phone calls and emails from the school's housing and financial aid departments, asking if I'd need help finding a place to live and giving me forms I needed to fill out for them to figure out how much financial aid I'd be getting and blah blah.
So I assumed I had been accepted to the school and started making plans accordingly.
Today I got a phone call telling me I hadn't been accepted because I have some "pitch issues" and because they couldn't tell what "style" I sing in. I was encouraged to take private lessons (when I told them I already do, he suggested I also take lessons with one of the school's teachers) and apply again for the fall semester.
I'm having mixed feelings about all of this.
ANNOYED: Why would the housing and financial aid offices be contacting me if I'm not accepted to the school?
RELIEVED: If I had been accepted, I'd only have a month to find an apartment and generally get my shit together before school started. It seemed too soon. Now I have some breathing room (in time form).
HURT: Okay, I know I'm not perfect (no singer is) but singing is the only thing in the world I feel like I'm any good at, and today I was essentially told "You're not good enough for us to even try to teach you."
Last time that happened (about ten years ago when I auditioned for a community college choir) I gave up on singing for years and went to culinary school (which was the wrong choice). It completely crushed me and I'm feeling a bit of that again.
Also, I've been taking private voice lessons. Are they, by proxy, telling me my voice teacher isn't good enough either? 'Cause my voice teacher is awesome.
Yeah, I'm feeling deflated. It really stings to be told you're not good enough at the one thing you have any confidence in your ability to do. I don't necessarily want to be told I'm wonderful or the best ever, because I'm not, but according to these people I'm not even acceptable. If that's the case, why should I even bother trying?
DISTASTE: "What style" do I sing in? I do what feels natural. Why do we have to put things into boxes and categories and labels and genres? Maybe I don't even want to go to this school if they're going to have that attitude.
DETERMINED: Fine, I'll just figure out a Plan B. I'll find my path in life without them. I know I can sing, now it's just a matter of figuring out how to use that to make a living without using school as a means to do it.
LIGHTER: I mean, heck, why did I even want to go back to school? The mere idea of student loan payments makes me feel stressed out and trapped. And I've always been bad at school (I just don't have the right kind of brain for it). Maybe this is a good thing after all.
HURT AGAIN: What if I'm not any good at singing? Maybe everybody who has complimented me was just being nice or biased because they're people who care about me? What if I suck?
Actually, sucking doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it. I mean, hell, Christina Aguilera has a career and she has possibly the worst voice in the history of music.
I really hope my rejection doesn't mean I'm worse than Christina Aguilera.
RATIONAL: I wasn't out and out rejected. I was just told I need a little more work before the school is ready to accept me. I wasn't rejected, I was just told I'm not good enough.
Wait. That's the same thing as rejection. I guess that means I'm going to go back to feeling

Be seeing you.

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