Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Disturbing Sandwiches And Lighting Confusion

Oh boy! Time for yet another edition of Sally Hates Commercials!
I've been watching a lot of videos on That Guy With The Glasses (lately I'm all about Obscurus Lupa), a site which has ads on before its videos. Which is fine. I have no problem with that in theory. Folks gotta make a living. However, one of their sponsors is Virgin Airlines and ... well, I'll show you my problem:

I'm ... disturbed. There's no other word to describe how this commercial makes me feel. I'm the first to admit that I'm weird about food and, yeah, sometimes I make questionable yummy noises when I'm eating something particularly delicious. But this ... This is wrong. This is twelve kinds of wrong and I can't even put into words what any of those twelve shades of wrong are. It's just ... why?!?!
Implied cannibalism, first of all. Second of all, who imagines their chicken wrap sandwich is a fiery haberdasher? Who makes weird kitty sex noises at their food? I can't watch this ad without feeling completely humiliated for the poor actress who had to actually perform in it. I hope she got paid enough to never have to leave the house again, 'cause I sure as hell would never want to be seen if this thing was on my resume. Everything about it makes me cringe.
Next up, faulty logic!

Well, we've traded disturbing for offensive so ... yay?
Here's a commercial where a woman is flirting with an "attractive" man, drops her phone and, when he turns on the light to find it for her, discovers he's a nerd stereotype from the 1980s! Oh no!
After he turns the light back off and morphs back into the guy who really isn't any better looking than the "nerd" she starts flirting with him again, thus getting his hopes up for a post-flight phone call that he'll never receieve from her because she only likes him in pink lighting.
First of all, I don't like this chick. Let's just get that out of the way.  Her overly horrified expession when he turns the light on really reveals her character and she's not somebody I want to know.
More importantly, why doesn't she turn into a different person in the light? Does mood lighting (as they call it) only work on men? She should turn into a stereotype as well. And they can both be horrified by each other. It would be too much of a cliche if they were both revealed to be stereotypes and decided they loved each other anyway. Why can't ugly people be shallow, too? That's at least honest.
I would like this ad so much better if she turned into a different person when they light came on. As it is now, it just doesn't make sense. And it makes me angry.

Be seeing you.

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