Friday, April 6, 2012

The Devil's Carnotdull

If you'd like to read a sort of but not really in depth story about how my concerns that I wouldn't like The Devil's Carnival were unfounded, you may.
The short version is, I loved it. Not as much as Repo!, but at the moment I find it more exciting than Repo! because it is new to me. That's the way things go.
I have to admit that the song that plays through most of the first short teaser they released had a tendency to get stuck in my head. Here it is in its entirity:

I'm becoming a bit obsessed with the song. But I will say most of the music in the movie is more boistrous than this (in fact, In All My Dreams I Drown is the song played during the end credits and doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the film. Not that there's anything wrong with that).

Be seeing you.

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