Friday, June 24, 2011

Thanks, Michael J. Fox, Now I Wish I Had Some Oreos

This is possibly the second best thing Trey Parker and Matt Stone ever did, after Cannibal! The Musical, obviously. South Park loses points for becoming more concerned with teaching a lesson than being funny.
'Cause South Park was so good for a while, but then it got to a point when I just felt like I was being yelled at. I think it was the season where they killed off Chef, that's when I stopped watching. 'Cause it wasn't funny anymore. Even if I agreed with the message they were trying to get across they weren't using humor to back it up anymore, so why should I listen to them?
I know that South Park always had a moral at the end of the story; "I learned something today" and all that. But it was always funny, goddamnit! Every once in a while I'll try to give the show another chance and watch one of the new episodes and I always end up disappointed. I wanted to watch a hilarious show, not a lecture!
Anyway, let's just forget about that.
... Forget ... Forget ...
Have a wine cooler!

Be seeing you.

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