Friday, December 24, 2010

How Can You Be Anything But Low Down Saggy And Blue

When I was a kid, we had a TV special about Joe Raposo on tape, which was pretty much the greatest thing ever, and this is one of the songs that was featured in it. For a long time I found it rather boring, but I seem to recall my brother liked it a lot, and it grew on me in his repeated viewings of the song (and eventually I figured out it was a very sad song, which probably made me dislike it again, but...)
Last night I was watching the Nostalgia Critic's Top Eleven Nostalgic Mindfucks list and the Raggedy Ann And Andy movie was on there, which reminded me "Hey, there was a song that the camel sang in that movie. I don't remember anything about it other than that it was pretty good. I should look it up."
I looked it up. I found it. And, in about three listens, I memorized the damn thing.
I'm obsessive compulsive about song lyrics.

Be seeing you.

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