Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Extra Maximum Double Radical Respekt To My New Neighborhood Jam Rewind

I didn't have computer access on Monday, but if I did, I would have written a post about how it was Eugene Hutz's thirty ninth birthday, and also that Eugene Hutz is freaking fantastic. And it might have gone something like this:

I first heard Gogol Bordello playing in a Hot Pocit while looking for, probably, toys or t-shirts pertaining to Rob Zombie movies. I wasn't coming up with anything, though, and was getting ready to leave when I heard this:

Which led me to nearly attack the lady working there. "What is this? I need it!!!"
"I don't know how to pronounce it? Go-go something?" She showed me the album cover. And, ironically, they didn't have any copies of the album on the rack for sale so I had to go buy Super Taranta from a different store.
And I listened to it a whole hell of a lot for about a week. I also made mix tapes for my brother that had some Gogol Bordello songs on them. And then, in an act of not thinking ahead, I sold my copy of Super Taranta to Amoeba because I couldn't figure out how to sing along with it. (Sometimes I'm stupid.)
Meanwhile, my brother had gotten my mom and stepdad into Gogol Bordello, especially thanks to Through The Roof 'N' Underground, which they just fell in love with. And who can blame them?:

So when Gogol Bordello were going to be playing in Ventura, my mom bought us all tickets and, well, that was pretty much the end of it for me. I kicked myself fifty times for selling that album (then went out and re-bought it. And also bought all their other albums. And the J.U.F. album. And I found a nice lady on the internet who traded me a copy of The Fags' album for a Fantomas album) and furthermore, I've rarely shut up about the band since.
About a week after the concert I turned on ... I don't know, one of those fancy cable stations that actually shows music videos just in time to see the last ninety seconds or so of American Wedding, the first official Gogol Bordello music video I ever saw:

After that, the history of my fandom gets a bit fuzzy. I know I now own a couple movies I never would have even watched if it weren't for Eugene Hutz, the first of which was Everything Is Illuminated:

I find it funny that this trailer is playing a song with the lyrics "You already know how this will end" as it shows you pretty much the entire end of the movie. Also, don't let the trailer fool you; this movie ain't about Jonfen. It's Alex's story.
I think I might actually like Everything Is Illuminated, even though I do fast forward through a lot of it (and I hated the book so much I read it all in one afternoon just so it would be over and I could return it to the library so it wouldn't be in my house anymore). I've certainly watched it more times than Filth And Wisdom:

Certainly not my kind of movie, but I've still seen it three times. And I own it. And I will probably watch it several more times in my lifetime. Because I adore Eugene Hutz and he's in it a lot. And sometimes that's all I need. I own plenty of movies simply for the "I love this actor" factor.
Hee hee, "actor factor."
Anyway, Eugene Hutz is thirty nine now, and that is cool. 'Cause he's cool. And his band is cool. And their music is fucking kickass!!!

Be seeing you.

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