Friday, May 6, 2011

Unsure On The Definition Of The Word "Influence"

There are a lot of these Above The Influence commercials, and they're all varying levels of insipidness. It's really hard to make a good "Don't Do Drugs" commercial, but I feel like the avoid-the-topic-completely method doesn't work. Especially when it cranks out ads like this:

Now, most of this commercial isn't really a problem. This girl's really into fashion but likes her own style and does all she can to make sure she doesn't follow trends. Whatever. That's her choice, good on her.
But then she has to go and end the ad with the line "Do I seem like I'm gonna let anything influence me?"
You've spent the entire commercial telling me how you make damn sure that you don't follow fashion trends; YES you sound like you let things influence you a great deal! "You're doing that? Then I'm going to do this!" That's a pretty classic example of letting something influence you.
The problem with this commercial (and, in fact, the entire campaign) is that it assumes that all influences are bad. I assume they chose "Above The Influence" because people who have taken drugs are "under the influence of drugs." Which is a trick that may even work in some of their commercials. But it doesn't work in this one because if you didn't know it's supposed to be an anti-drug commercial, you'd never know it was supposed to be an anti-drug commercial! It looks like it's an ad for trend aversion or, you know, clothes with an "I think I'm better than you" attitude.
I would also like to point out that clothing trends are not necessarily a negative influence. If there's a fashion that's trendy right now and you happen to like it, it's okay to follow it. It's when you go around following every trend mindlessly that it becomes a problem. Being above the influence of fashion is like saying you're above the influence of food trends. I'm not into the whole adding spiciness to chocolate but I've still got to eat. And, unless you're at a nudist camp, you've gotta wear clothes.
I will say I'm a big fan of the adding bacon to all foods trend. But even after the rest of the world is bored with bacon, I will still be eating it with everything. 'Cause I like bacon.
I'm above the influence of food trends. But I'm not going to be a snob about it.

Be seeing you.

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