Damn it.
Why do I have to be a natural fangirl? I know I bore everybody around me with all my chattering about whatever my obsession of the moment is. None of my friends listen to the same music as me. But I also tend to think I have way better taste in music than my friends. (Sorry, friends. I love you, but I like my music better than yours. Except sometimes. But usually.)
And right now that music is Local H:
Seriously, they're kind of perfect.
And I'm also really enjoying the album I have by Scott Lucas And The Married Men.
Looking forward to hearing the rest of their stuff.
And more Local H. All the Local H. (Why oh why did I sell my copies of Ham Fisted and Pack Up The Cats?)
Also, I love a band where every current member of the band is attractive. Sure, there's only two of them but Brian St. Clair kinda reminds me of Bill Moseley for some reason and Scott Lucas... well, actually, he looks grumpy most of the time.
But it works for him. I know from my brief encounter buying a t-shirt from him that he isn't as surly as he looks in pictures and ... I don't know. Seeing them live helped a lot. Maybe the last shreds of thirteen year old me are just having a field day.

I really liked the video for Bound For The Floor.
And, okay, I have thing thing about live shows. I watch videos of old Gogol Bordello shows and feel bummed that I started listening to them after they stopped all their crazy theatrical stuff. I mean, they're still arguably the best live band I've ever seen but I feel like live shows are an opportunity to just get nuts if the music so moves you. And, yeah, those moments are always better when they're spontaneous, which obviously Gogol Bordello's theatrics weren't, but I still love that they took the opportunity to get fucking crazy.
I have no way of knowing for sure whether it was planned or not, but Scott Lucas duct taped a microphone to his face.
I think that was the moment that solidified my fangirl crush on the man and it really brought together the vague feeling I'd been having the whole show that I have been missing out on something wonderful.
I'm sure this will pass but part of me feels like, since I have friends who live in Chicago, I should just move out there. Then I could hang out with Kristin all the time and, if I'm lucky, go to a bunch of Local H shows.
And maybe it's easier to find a job in Chicago than it is where I'm living now.
I really, really need a change of scenery.
Be seeing you.
P.S. I don't own the rights to any of the pictures I post on this blog. If I used a picture you took and you want me to give you credit, let me know.
P.P.S. Seriously, gaah! I am so infatuated.
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