I tried to put them in chronological order but my childhood is such a blur (I seem to think everything happened when I was six) that I could be wrong about some of it. I realized as I was gathering pictures that I don't have a lot, or really anything, to say about most of these people / anthropomorphic animals / video game robo-men that I don't know how interesting this blog entry will end up being. But here goes.
Robin Hood
Mega Man - Technically a video game character and not a cartoon character, but he was animated and I had a crush on him when I was little, so I'm going to allow it.
Raphael - was my favorite Ninja Turtle for a long time until I realized
Donatello - was the smart one and I decided I liked him better instead. (I may have had a thing for Michaelangelo for a while, too. But not Leonardo. Never Leonardo.)
Roger Rabbit - One of only two characters on this list I'm actually embarrassed about.
Bart Simpson - The other one. I'm actually way more embarrassed by this one. Especially since I'm pretty sure I hadn't even started watching The Simpsons yet at the time; we had The Simpsons Sing The Blues and I really liked the song Do The Bartman, and I think that was the whole basis for this crush. Lame.
Daffy Duck
Eeyore - Probably more proof that I have a thing for deep voices and mellow (and melancholy?) dudes more than anything else.
Beast - But not Prince Adam. Never Prince Adam. (I guess the whole "don't judge someone based on their looks" message of the movie was lost on me because the second he turns into an ugmo human, I don't like the character anymore.)
Wakko Warner - Even now if you asked me which of the Warner brothers I liked better, I'd never be able to answer you. But Wakko was my favorite first.
Yakko Warner - Wakko was only my favorite for a while, though. Yakko is just too awesome to ignore. And he's voiced by Rob Paulsen, my favorite voice actor on the planet. (Not that I don't love Jess Harnell, too ... Dang it, I'll never chose one over the other. Not really.)
Mr. Bergstrom
Clopin - I carry an old Burger King toy of him around in my car. Hunchback is my favorite Disney movie for many reasons and Clopin is a major one.
Dr. Zoidberg - Mostly just his voice, actually.
Philip Fry
Pickles - The drummer. Doodily doo. Ding dong doodily doodily doo.
Charles Ofdensen
Flint Lockwood
Be seeing you.
let's see. mine would be, in no particular order: Top Cat, Tramp (from Lady and the), Clopin, Phoebus (but mostly Clopin), Yakko Warner, Mighty Mouse (this would be one of those I'm embarrassed about now--I remember liking him, but I don't remember why),...Aaaand I can't seem to remember any more right of the top of my head.
Thanks for listing!
<3 proffy
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