I don't know if it's possible for this list to ever be complete; I've had a lot of fleeting tattoo ideas. I'm not sure if I remember all of them. These are the ones I recall. Some of them I have actually gone ahead and gotten. Some of them I will get someday (sooner or later). Some of them I don't want anymore. But I considered getting them. And that's the whole point.
Beanish - from Beanworld; I am still planning on getting him
bride from Haunted Mansion - I have a very love / terror relationship with the bride in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, although I did like her a lot better before they made her all stupid and chatty; anyway if I manage to find an artist who can draw me the bride (the old one that I like and am scared of) in a manner I like, I may still get this one
Chinese symbol for "cliche" - I saw a comedian once (I can't remember who) who made a joke about getting this tattoo and I thought it was pretty funny and have thought about getting it but I don't think I actually would. As is always the problem with getting a Chinese symbol, how would I know if it actually meant what I wanted it to?
Conan O'Brien drawing - there's a simple characature of Conan that is, I believe, from back on his Late Night days. When all that NBC Tonight Show bullshit happened, I considered getting a tattoo of it. I still support Conan but I don't want the tattoo anymore.
Count Chocula - I am obsessed with monsters, classic advertising and sugary cereal. It seemed like a pretty obvious choice. Last year I bought two boxes of Count Chocula and never ate the second one. I guess I don't like it as much as I think I do.
Dethklok - self-explanatory. I wanted to just get Pickles at first, but I love Metalocalypse too much to play favorites with the band members.
"Don't Panic" - if I were ever to get knuckle tattoos, this is what they'd say.
42 - I got this one. It is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
Freddy Krueger glove - I am definitely getting this one someday. I want to get Freddy's glove grabbing my leg and maybe a little blood dripping from the blades (no "torn flesh," though; I hate tattoos like that) and red and green stripes down my leg from the bottom of the glove to my ankle, sort of like Freddy's arm has melded with my leg. Bitchin'.
GeneCo logo with barcode - I'm a big fan of Repo! The Genetic Opera (duh) and a GeneCo logo was a no-brainer. The barcode I picked to go under the logo (rather than the barcode on the logo I printed out) is from The Very Last Songs I Will Ever Record (Part One) by Mike Phirman. There is a reason for that, which I will explain later.
Gogol Bordello slingshot - specifically the one from Trans-Continental Hustle, with the flames behind it and the banner underneath that says "Familia Undestructable". I had the flames filled in purple but my arm is tan and the purple is dark, so it's kind of hard to tell.
Gonzo - as in the Muppet. There are quite a few Muppets I love, though, so I may or may not change my mind and get Rowlf or Dr. Teeth instead.
Hard 'N Phirm logo - I became a Hard 'N Phirm fan eight years ago and for a while there (possibly still, I don't know) I was dubbed HnP's biggest fan by Chris and Mike themselves. At one point I told them I was considering getting a Hard 'N Phirm tattoo but, seeing as I was an acquaintence / friend of theirs by then, I didn't want to weird them out. So I asked their permission. Mike told me he was fine with it but I never heard back from Chris. (And that is why the bar code from Mike's album will be the bar code on my GeneCo tattoo. Even though Mike has nothing to do with Repo! whatsoever.)
Ipecac Recordings logo - the second tattoo I ever got. I wanted a Mike Patton themed tattoo but couldn't bring myself to play favorites with his bands. I figured his record label was pretty all-encompassing.
"I Will Not Be Pushed, Filed, Stamped, Indexed, Briefed, Debriefed or Numbered" - possibly the greatest quote from definitely the greatest television show ever made
Kilroy - my mom drew him for me; he's how she signs her name. I'm very close to my mom. She told me once if she were ever to get a tattoo, she'd get a Kilroy, but that she'd also never get one. So I got him for her.
Mike Patton's autograph - my friend Amanda has Jane Austen's and Eleanor Roosevelt's signatures tattooed on her feet. I've been considering stealing that idea from her, but replacing my own heroes with hers. Mike Patton is one of them.
music armband - I've always liked the idea of getting an armband of a few bars of a song I love. But that would involve picking just one song and that's where I run into trouble.
my kids' names - clearly I can't get these until I have children, but I am definitely getting them.
pennyfarthing bicycle symbol from The Prisoner - my first tattoo. When I was sixteen I got a book about The Prisoner that had a passage where Patrick McGoohan explained what the pennyfarthing was supposed to symbolize. I felt so deeply moved and connected to the explanation I knew I needed a tattoo of it. Which is saying kind of a lot because before that day I had never wanted a tattoo.
pi armband - I'm not very good at math, but I do know one hundred eightysomething digits of pi, thanks to a Hard 'N Phirm song. This would be my stealth HnP tattoo, if I were to get it. But I'm not really a math nerd and there's too much opportunity for accidental digit skipping.
pig - a lot of people ask me if my pig tattoo is of Babe or Wilbur or a flying pig. He can be if you want him to be, but he's just a generic pig. I love him. Pigs are my favorite animal. I feel a kinship with them because they are fat, smart, loyal and cute, and so am I.
positive and negative symbols - or, if you're an Eerie Indiana fan, a Dash and an X.
pretty food - that's vague and hard to explain. Basically, I'm a big eater and some foods just strike me as particularly lovely. I've never settled on one food, though, and I would have to find an artist who knew how to capture (in skin-ink) the beauty of the food that I see. So this one may never happen.
Shirley Jackson's autograph - the second of my hero's signature's tattoos. I pretty much just want to be Shirley Jackson, but with more world travel and less dying at age fifty.
something to do with The Simpsons - I'm such a big fan of the show (I'm the only person I know who still watches it and thinks it's funny) that a Simpsons tattoo seems like a no-brainer. But I can't pick one character or aspect of the show that I hold above the rest of the show enough to get a tattoo of it. So this one need a lot more thought.
star - this one's embarrassing. When I was about ten and rereading all the old issues of Mad Magazine we had in the house, there was a comic that had (I think in just one panel) a fictitious movie star with a tattoo of a star on her cheek. I thought that was the epitome of glamour. I ... I'm glad I've moved out of that mindset.
"The Boogie Man Is Real" - a quote from my favorite movie, House Of 1000 Corpses, that I feel pretty well sums up my love of horror movies
the gears - in other words, the symbol the Klokateers have branded on the backs of their necks on Metalocalypse. But if it was on the back of my neck I'd never get to see it. And to be one hundred percent accurate, I'd have to be branded with it, not tattooed. That sounds like it would hurt.
They Might Be Giants logo - I believe the logo that was used on Indestructable Object. It's lovely.
"We Apologize For The Inconvenience" - in flaming letters. I'd say what book it's from, but that would ruin the ending.
wedding ring with my husband's initials - obviously I can't get this one until I get married. But if (hopefully when) that ever happens, I'm definitely getting this.
Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner - Animaniacs shaped who I am in a profound way. I met Rob Paulsen last night and he could not have been a nicer man. Even if that were not true, I'd still get a tattoo of the Warners. They're important to me.
Tattoos are addictive and I doubt I will ever be done.
Be seeing you.